Our mission is to help create more adaptable, innovative & resilient lifelong learners.

Our in-school programming seamlessly integrates into the curriculum making it easy for teachers to create personalized learning experiences that are meaningful and applicable for all students. Our extracurricular programs and events build a strong sense of community and extended learning opportunities.

Every Canadian child is empowered with an entrepreneurial mindset to create their version of success in our rapidly changing world. 

About PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs

PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs is a Canadian charity dedicated to inspiring and empowering youth with the entrepreneurial mindset.

Whether students aim to be entrepreneurs or simply want to chase their dreams and develop new skills, PowerPlay provides various opportunities for authentic learning and exploration in a real-world context. Our highly personalized programming ensures that all students can thrive regardless of their diverse learning styles, socioeconomic position, or background. In addition to building new competencies, we also encourage youth to give back to their local communities and the social causes that they care about.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

At PowerPlay we believe that unleashing the power of youth is essential to achieving enduring change through innovative solutions, creative applications of technology, and initiatives that have a powerful societal impact.

By participating in our programming, we hope to inspire students from diverse communities and backgrounds to be lifelong learners.

Through initiatives such as the Young Women Founders event, we aim to engage girls and encourage them to become leaders in their communities.

At PYE, we focus on igniting passions and helping students pursue their goals with purpose so they are better prepared to take on higher education and future careers.

We have a steadfast commitment to working with underrepresented, neurodiverse, BIPOC, and lower socio-economic communities to empower inclusion for all.

Meet the Team

We are proud to have a strong, passionate community behind our programs and initiatives. With a diverse set of skills and backgrounds, our staff and board of directors are the driving force of our strategic planning and daily operations.